marți, 30 iunie 2009

"Cafe con Leche" - My favorite broach!

I found this gorgeous broach on the Romanian website It is called "Cafe con Leche" and it is handmade using different types of fabrics.
You can find it here, at a very affordable price.

duminică, 28 iunie 2009

Paying Tribute to Michael Jackson

Today we went to Hollywood, to the Walk of Fame, to pay tribute to Michael Jackson.
It was a lot of people there, waiting in line for hours just to see his star.
I was really amazed how many flowers, teddy bears, letters, notes people put near the star!

sâmbătă, 27 iunie 2009

Rest in Piece Michael Jackson

It hearts so bad! I've been crying since I heard the terrible news about Michael!
I cannot get over it! He was so close to my heart, I cannot believe what happened.
He died... How very heart breaking.

joi, 25 iunie 2009

Despre Chihlimbar

Chihlimbarul face parte din categoria de pietre semipretioase organice. Numit si "Aurul Nordului", este vechi de milioane de ani si se formeaza din rasina pinilor "Pinus Succinifera". Se spune ca pinii se protejeaza de infestatia insectelor prin eliminarea acestei rasini.

Chihlimbarul este cunoscut pentru faptul ca ajuta la eliminarea energiei negative si la calmarea nervilor. Iti da o stare de bine, calm si curaj.
Este de asemenea folosit pentru a alina durerile de ficat si stomac.

Are de cele mai multe ori o infatisare tulbure datorita numeroaselor bule de aer, firicele de par , sau fracturi rezultate in urma tensiunii. Pentru a indeparta aceste bule, se fierbe in ulei special. "Heated" = incalzit.

In zilele noastre, numai 15% din chihlimbarul gasit se poate folosi in bijuterii. Restul, este amestecat cu stabilizatori din plastic rezultand ambroid-ul. Acest ambroid arata aproape la fel ca chihlimbarul (ambra) natural.

Pentru a determina daca chihlimbarul este veritabil sau nu, incalzeste varful unui ac de cusut pana se albeste, apoi introdu-l in partea mai putin vizibila a chihlimbarului si daca emite un miros de pin, este veritabil. Iar daca emite o aroma de plastic ars, stiti deja ca e imitatie sau este ambroid. Alta metoda este sa-l introduceti in apa sarata. Chihlimbarul natural va pluti, in timp ce cel fals se va duce la fund.

 Este foarte delicat asa ca aveti grija cand lucrati cu el pentru ca se poate zgaria si este foarte sensibil in contact cu diferite chimicale ca de exemplu parfumul dvs. Pentru a-l curata, nu este nevoie decat apa calduta si sapun.

Stiati ca printre tarile unde se formeaza se numara si Romania? Chihlimbarul gasit in draga noastra tara se numeste Rumanite. Cele mai mari depozite din lume se gasesc in vestul orasului Kaliningrad din Rusia.

Creati bijuterii superbe combinand chihlimbarul cu garnet, ametist sau rainbow fluorite! Folositi sarma si accesorii placate cu aur, gold filled sau vermeil pentru un look vintage!

Puteti cumpara chihlimbar natural in magazinul online de margele, pietre semipretioase si accesorii bijuterii:

Just saw ''Transformers - Revenge of the Fallen''

Me and my fiance just came from the cinema. We saw "Transformers". We loved it! It was funny and cute and kept us entertained for 2 1/2 hours.
I am so glad we didn't miss it! Good movies make me happy and inspire me!

joi, 11 iunie 2009

How the Clouds Look in Romania

My brother took these pictures!
I think they are very interesting. I love the color of the clouds.
Romanian clouds are so beautiful!
That's my brother in the first picture.

marți, 9 iunie 2009

Last day of my giveaway!

Today is the last day of my blog giveaway! Hurry up! Go ahead and enter! Great chances to win!
Growing Piggy Bank: Giveaway: Bana Design Jewelry

sâmbătă, 6 iunie 2009

Pictures Pictures Pictures

I've been working so hard on improving my pictures in the last 3 days. It's so much hard work and so time consuming!
First, the only time I can take pictures is before 12 am, when there's a lot of light coming through my bedroom window (with the neighbors starring at me), then I have to download the pictures in Photoshop, change the contrast, light, ohhhh, so much work!
And most of the times, I am not satisfied at all with the results. Of course, I have to start allover again! Annoying!
Here are some pictures I tried to improve:

How do they look?

joi, 4 iunie 2009

Needle Organizer - Made by Me

I knit and crochet since I was a little girl. And I always buy different types of needles and hooks, all sizes, shapes and colors. I can never have enough (you know how it is!). Lately, my needles were all over the place! They needed a place of their own.
So, I've been looking for an organizer to fit them all. No chance! Couldn't find it!
That's how I had the idea to make it myself. A customized organizer to fit all my needles.
My organizer is crocheted from leftover yarn and the inside is made from an old curtain that I hand sewn myself, since I don't know how to use my sewing machine, yet!
Ta daaaaa!

marți, 2 iunie 2009

Giveaway Bana Designs Jewelry

I am having a giveaway on Teresa's blog I am giving away 4 pairs of really gorgeous earrings to 4 people that they sign in on etsy and convo me on my http://, jewelry store.

Here is the link to Teresa's blog where you find all the rules to the contest.

Good luck!

Growing Piggy Bank: Giveaway: Bana Design Jewelry

luni, 1 iunie 2009

Yellow tulips for no reason!

My fiance brought me this beautiful bouquet of tulips the other day. No, it wasn't my birthday and no, we didn't have a fight!
There was no reason to it other than tulips remind me of my grandmother's garden. She always have them planted in the spring.
Aren't they gorgeous? Flowers make me happy when I look at them.


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