I've been working so hard on improving my pictures in the last 3 days. It's so much hard work and so time consuming!
First, the only time I can take pictures is before 12 am, when there's a lot of light coming through my bedroom window (with the neighbors starring at me), then I have to download the pictures in Photoshop, change the contrast, light, ohhhh, so much work!
And most of the times, I am not satisfied at all with the results. Of course, I have to start allover again! Annoying!
Here are some pictures I tried to improve:
How do they look?
4 comentarii:
I think you did a pretty good job using real light and doesn't look like you overdid the editing in Photoshop.
..si eu ''coafez'' un pic pozele in Photoshop, ca nu arata bine oricat m-as chinui sa pandesc lumina de dimineata! Umblu pe la contrast, mai iau din stralucire, apoi poate mai echilibrez si Color Balance-ul. Si, ca si tine, tot nu sunt multumita de rezultat! Cred ca ai facut o treaba destul de buna cu pozele de mai sus. Un foarte mic minus, pe care nu cred ca aveai cum sa-l corectezi - sunt foaaaarte usor blurate, zic eu. Si ale mele sunt la fel, pt ca-mi cam tremura mana - poate daca am folosi un trepied?
Da, mi se pare foarte greu sa arat in poze cat de frumoasa e bijuteria! Si culmea, am trepied, dar mereu uit sa-l folosesc! Ups...
Stiu ce inseamna chinul de a arata la justa valoare frumusetea bijuteriilor - pe de alta parte, nu poti sa nu te bucuri cand ti se spune: "vai, cat de frumoase sunt, mult mai frumoase decat in poze!"
Eu n-am trepied, asa ca inca imi permit sa zic ca n-a iesit bine poza din lipsa lui!
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